Saturday, July 21, 2012

Beauty Basics : How to Wash Your Face Properly, for Clear & Beautiful Skin

Face wash

The very first thing is to find a proper facial cleanser which fits to your skin type. I made a post about organic skin care brands here and here . Simple hand soaps are not good for wash the face, because their pH level usually around 8-10., a strong alkaline and the skin pH level on our face is between 4-5.6 if it's balanced. An oily skin's pH is around 5.7-6.8. A dry skin is 7.3 to 7.4. You can see hand soaps are not made for face. Use facial soaps

I like to use my fingers instead of a washcloth, but it's your decision. I use facial cleansing sponges for my guest which I think is better than washcloth.

We have to wash our face twice a day, but mainly before bed to remove dirt (and makeup too, but I prefer makeup remover for this). I don't wash my face with a cleanser in the morning (just with water), because I don't need it; my skin is not dirty and if I used a cream before bed then I like the feeling of my skin -moisturized- in the morning. So I just use simple water.

Here is my advice for how to wash face properly:

  1. Wet your face with lukewarm water
  2. Squeeze a little amount of cleanser into your palm and rub them together, so it will dissolve
  3. Use your fingertips (middle fingers and ring fingers) to apply the cleanser on your face and start a gentle circulation motions
  4. On the cheeks always start from the outside and proceed inwards while you are doing the circulation motions, around your lips too, then come up to your nose. On your forehead you can do the motions in both directions, it's more like a spiral motion than a circular
  5. Slow down around the eye area and here also use the outside from inside circulation method
  6. When you are done, you can do 2 things: splashing your face with water or use a wet cotton pad or facial cleansing sponge and wipe your face with that until it's clean
  7. Use a toner for your skin type, because sometimes even the best cleanser is not enough to get rid of all the dirt

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