Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dietary/Nutritional supplements

If you are healthy, you will have healthy skin. So the first step what you have to do to be healthy is check what you eat.

Unfortunately due to pollution the soil has lost its energy and the plants only receive less than half of their required nutrients.

The fruits and vegetables are genetically modified in most cases which leads to us not being able to get enough vitamins.

So this is why it's very important to make up those vitamins and nutrients with dietary supplements.

Most illnesses can be attributed to prolonged absence of one or more nutrients, which triggers a degenerative process. The immune system becomes weak and disrupts communication between the organs and organ function.

The pharmaceutical industry has no interest in healthy people, because then their profit will cease.

First, be clear about what we expect from a good nutritional supplement:

  • Not a synthetic product. The active ingredients and other ingredients have to be natural
  • Does not contain any unnecessary additives (colors, flavors, thickeners, stabilizers, preservatives, etc.)
  • It has to contain the ingredients in proper forms, so the body can digest and process them as well as the active ingredients can be absorbed. Just the natural chelating compounds and the poly-fermented agents are able to do this.
  • The herbs have to be derived from chemical-free environment, preferably organic, or biodynamic (Demeter certified)
  • The oils in the products have to be cold pressed and not be refined
  • Price-ratio: The composition, the efficiency and the price must be proportionate to each other.

A good pro-biotic should contain at least 2 billion mixed bacterial strains, if not it will have no effect.

How can I verify them?

  • From the general ingredients

If there are harmful substances in this list, no matter how brilliant the composition of the active substance, no matter how many milligrams of concentrated miracles may be in it - do not buy it!

Things to watch in the ingredients:

  • The herbs' names be in Latin and/or the word "extract" is a good sign
  • If you see just the names of the Vitamins or minerals, (like Ascorbisc Acid, Tocoferol, Riboflavin, Calcium Carbonate, Sodium Selenite, Biotin, Thiamine, Calcium pantothenate, Zinc Sulfate, etc.) then it's guaranteed to synthetic
  • If we see ie. ascorbic acid from acerola, then it means that the active ingredient (vitamin, mineral, trace element) in the product was extracted or isolated from a plant.

Compare the USP Q10 and the probiotics (fermented) Q10 antioxidant activity:

As you can see, the "live" Q10 is much more than the "dead" one. Which means if you take the simple Q10, then you should take 20 times more of it to achieve the same effect what the probiotic and biologically much more active Q10 has.

The tablet below shows the activity of the synthetic Vitamin C, natural Vitamin C and the probiotic Vitamin C:

  • More than 500g synthetic Vitamin C is destructive to the immune system, promotes the oxidation processes and is carinogenic
  • The lowest doses of synthetic Vitamin C can be shown to cause cell damage
  • Long term usage of synthetic Vitamin C causes kidney damage

When the product indicates that it's fermented then good to know that hundreds of thousands of immediate release active ingredients are in it the product too, although the manufacturer didn't put them in it. These are formed during the fermentation process.

Few of them:

  • the full spectrum of vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • beta-glucan
  • enzymes
  • bioflavonoids
  • vegetable proteins
  • all trace elements
  • glutathione (neutralizing carcinogenic substances, immunomodulatory)
  • mannose (connective tissue regeneration, mucosal protective, anti-bacterial)
  • bacteriocin (to prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria)
  • ferment metabolites
  • probiotic bacteria

All fermented products are containing these substances above, even if it's not written on the box.

This is how a product with a perfect ingredients should look like:

I hope this little information helped you to chose the best nutritional supplement.


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