Maybe you are still very young and you can say: "it's not necessary to think about what will be with my skin when I will be older", but let me tell you something. If you don't do everything to keep your skin healthy, glowing and free of fine lines now, then later it will be almost impossible to get rid of those stubborn wrinkles.
It's worth to change also some bad habits now, because in a short period of time your skin will be grateful for that.
1. Smoking
Tobacco byproducts are seriously harming your skin and the speed up the aging. Smoking chronically deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients. According to Jonette Keri, MD of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine: "In young nonsmokers, we don't usually see a lot of uneven skin tone, but this develops more quickly in people who smoke. There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, and many of them trigger the destruction of collagen and elastin.
2. Lack of water
Water is required by every cell in the body as nourishment and to remove wastes. When water becomes scarce, the body tries to limit the amount it loses through breathing, mucous production, urination, perspiration and bowel movements. If you don't drink enough, your skin will be dry/dehydrated and flaky. Dry skin is not the direct cause of wrinkles but is, rather, a contributing factor. The lack of moisture is the responsible of the wrinkles.
3. Sun
We need sun of course, because of the Vitamin D. But sun exposure put us at higher risk of cellular damage, early wrinkling, age spots and skin cancer. Not many people know that our tanned skin is actually am injury to the epidermis. The sun's ultraviolet light damages the fibers in the skin and causing wrinkles.
4. Soft drinks
Phosphoric acid, added to carbonated drinks like cola is a preservative. It takes the calcium from the bones and it can accelerate aging. It was found to make the skin and muscles wither.
5. Lack of sleep
The first sign is if you don't sleep enough is dark circles and puffy eyes. But it also leads to fine lines. According to WebMd "When you don’t get enough sleep, your body releases more of the stress hormone cortisol. In excess amounts, cortisol can break down skin collagen, the protein that keeps skin smooth and elastic." You need to sleep at least 8 hours.
6. Extraction/Popping pimples
I know how annoying when you have a pimple and you have never been able to stand looking at it, but if it's possible, please go to a professional. If you are messing with your pimples you can actually cause scars. Also, if you try to extract a zit when it's not ready to come out, you can cause bigger damage: the pimple will be twice as big and you will get a wound on the top of it. Squeezing pimples pushes the bacteria further into the skin, causing more redness and swelling.