Monday, October 1, 2012

Top 12 Skin Rejuvenating Food

Don't spend on money always creams and moisturizers, but pay attention to your diet. Vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids play a major role in making the skin regenerate every day.

Each of the following food has an anti-aging effect.

1. Pomegranate

Pomegranates contains antioxidants such as ellagic acid, polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins, can therefore lower a person's risk of cancer, Alzheimer's and premature aging.

2. Almond

Almond contains vitamin E, vitamin B which contributes to healthy skin and several other vitamin B and also contains antioxidants.

3. Bluberries

Blueberries are rich in fiber as well as vitamins A, C and antioxidants. Eat half a cup every day.

4. Pumpkin

Pumpkins contains lots of anti-oxidant vitamins A and C, as well as zinc and alpha-hydroxy-acids which helps to reduce the signs of aging.

5. Eggs

(Just from organic farms!) Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein which gives you amino acids needed for tissue repair. It also contains vitamin A which prevents acne breakouts and has an influence on cellular reproduction.

6. Avocado

Avocados contain good amount of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins (vitamin E, C), phytonutrients and minerals. You can also use it topically. Eat half of an avocado daily.

7. Wild Salmon

(Not farm-raised) Wild Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids -which acts as an antioxidant-, selenium and minerals.

8. Acerola

Acerola, a cherry-like fruit with high antioxidant activity. It is considered to be excellent sources of vitamin C, exceeding the vitamin C concentration of oranges. It is also a good source of other nutrients including B vitamins, calcium, iron, bioflavonoids, phosphorus, malic acid, pantothenic acid, potassium, and magnesium. Eat 1 acerola per day.

9. Tomtoes

Tomatoes are the best source of the anti-aging antioxidant lycopene. But for some reason it is more easily absorbed by your body when it is cooked or processed.

10. Walnuts

Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Eat a handful a day.

11. Kiwi

Kiwi has lots of vitamin C and antioxidants which keep skin firm and help prevent wrinkles.

12. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes contain beta-carotene and an antioxidant that fights aging.


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