So I asked her what to do, how to do it and now it's my turn to give some awards to my blogger friends. The reason why I give awards and tags for them is because their blog is very informative and their goals are the same just like mine: fight against bad and harmful products, open consumers' eyes, educate them and help to change their lifestyle and skin routine to a natural and better one.

- Thank for being tagged (done)
- Put in the link to the blog of a person who tagged you (done)
- Put on your blog the logo Top 10 Blog Award (done)
- Choose 10 bloggers to be tagged by you
- Put links to their blog
- Inform them about it
- Create the list of your top 10 cosmetics
The 1, 2, 3 steps are done.
- Garden of Beauty
- Mademoiselle Nature
- Toxic Beauty Blog
- Mother Nature's Snuggery
- LovelyCosMe
- Eco Beauty Secrets
- Naturally Pure Beauty
- Natures Beauty Secrets
- Free to be natural
- Michele's Quest
This is the hardest thing, because I don't use so many cosmetics.
- Shea butter - this is a must have, because I have eczema sometimes
- Coconut oil - the best thing for my hair
- Rose water - I usually do it for myself
- Lip gloss - I love this watery feeling on my lips, so sexy:)
- Eye liner pencil/or the liquid one - I usually don't use makeup, but if I go somewhere I use an eye liner
- Tea tree oil - as an esthetician is a must have
- Face scrub - Exfoliation is very important
- Moisturizer - I have dry skin, so I can't live without it
- Toner - After a facial for myself I always use it
- Rose hip oil - It's really good for the skin and the rose hip juice is so yummy
I use the same rules that LovelyCosMe, but I made a change in it, since I already answered for 3 questions out of the 4.
Here are the rule:
1. What is the product of make up that you could never give up?
Since I don't really use makeup, I don't have anything to give up, but if I have to choose one thing, I would say the eye liner.
2. Always read the INCI?
Always, but the truth is I have brands that I trust and I don't buy any over-the- counter products anymore.
3. The worst purchase you've ever done?
I have some...but for now: Aubrey Natural Roll-on Deodorant.
4. Do you prefer the big bag where you put the "world" inside, or small bag?
Definitely small bag. It's not even a bag, it's a purse. I hate big bags. Someone told me her makeup kit is bigger than my purse:) Well...I don't have too much to carry, just a lip balm, my ID, a pen, wallet, some medicine for head aches and pretty much that's it.
5. Use a single face cream for day or night, or you have two (or more) specific?
I use just one, single face cream.
6. What do you think of the menstrual cup?
Sorry..a what? I've never heard about it.
7. What is the cosmetic error that bothers you the most ever in the other?
Too much, harsh makeup and if a girl doesn't wax her mustache. Don't get me wrong: if someone has a mustache it's not her fault, but if she doesn't care about it...well...that bothers me. Same thing with the arms. Long, black hairs on the arms are not nice. Please use wax!
8. Use plate, thermal curling irons and various gadgets for your hair?
I don't use anything at all. I don't even use a hair dryer, because the heat damages the hair. If I want waves in my hair, then I braid it when it's wet and when it's dry, I have nice, natural waves.
9. When vai, vai, and if, at the hairdresser you are calm and relaxed or you sit down with terror?
I don't really understand this question...I am sorry! But if it's about what I feel when I go to a hairdresser, then I am half calm and half terrorized. They never ever can make that hair what I want.
10. Have you ever bought a product just because at that time was popular on YouTube, blogs ... etc ...?
Let me think...Yes, but most of them end up in the garbage.
11. In the morning you look in the mirror and say...?
Oh God! Who is this??
I am done:) I hope you liked it and you could also discover blogs that you didn't know before. Feel free to do the tag too, it's just for fun:)
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