Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Retinoic acid (Tretinoin)

Retinoic acid is a metabolite of vitamin A (retinol) that mediates the functions of vitamin A required for growth and development, which can effect the skin cells and make them younger and better state. Retinoic acid is the oxidized form of Vitamin A, with only partial vitamin A function.

Retinoic acid treats the following skin problems:

  • Acne
  • Aging
  • Pigment spots

The question is, if Retinoic Acid is that good, then why there isn't in every cream? The answer is simple: Retinoic Acid is very effective agent, but with many side effects. Proper use requires strict adherence to instructions provided by a doctor.

Side effects:
  • Skin dryness
  • Peeling
  • Skin redness
  • Warmth and mild tingling
  • Burning/stinging

There is a potential risks to a fetus or newborn, so if you are pregnant you have to avoid it. It also sensitizes the skin to sunlight and you will need to avoid sun exposure. The best is if you always use a sunscreen.

Because it dries the skin, you always have to use moisturizer with it.

Retinoic Acid may cause thinning of the skin, so you should avoid waxing. The wax will pull of the skin with the hair and it's very painful, besides it will leave a red mark on your skin. (It will heal, but still...not too pleasant.)Avoid using medicated cosmetics, soaps, cleansers, toiletries and other anti-acne preparations, particularly those containing high concentrations of alcohol or astringents, or peeling agents such as benzoyl peroxide.

There are few creams on the market that conatin Retinoic acid/Tretinoin, all of them require a prescription:

  1. Renova Cream
  2. Isotrex gel (isotretinoin)
  3. Tretin-X
  4. Differin
  5. Retin-A
Those creams are usually for acne treatments, but it works as an anti-aging treatments by speeding up facial skin-cell replacement and building the capacity for collagen development in facial skin as well. It takes about six months for the full effect to occur on the facial skin.

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